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Parashat Korach

Beginning this week, and with G-d’s help continuing going forward, we shall be making available a 45 minute – 1 hour Parasha class given by Rabbi Mansour. This class is light and provides great Parasha insights for Shabbat meal discussions. The class will not be typed for reading. It is only available for listening, and will be posted every Friday at about 10:00 AM. (After one full year, we will re-post last year’s class every Monday in addition to the new class which is given on Fridays.)
Parashat Tesaveh- The Struggle Against Lashon Ha'ra
Parashat Teruma- The Mishkan and Self-Esteem
Parashat Mishpatim- The Power and Danger of Speech
Parashat Yitro- Honoring Parents and Para Aduma
Prashat Beshalah- Better Through the Desert Than Through the Land of the Pelishtim
Parashat Bo- 'Nitpicking'
Parashat Vaera- "The Redeemer of Israel"
Parashat Shemot- The Bricks and the Cement
Parashat Vayehi- "May God Make You Like Efrayim and Menashe"
Parashat Vayigash- Yosef's "Rebuke" to His Brothers
Prashat Miketz- Relying on One's Own Efforts
Parashat Vayeshev- The Patriarchs and the Misva of Honoring Parents
Parashat Vayishlah- Optical Illusions
Parashat Vayese- Rachel's Jealousy
Parashat Toledot- The Sin of Denial
1002 Parashot found