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Parashat Korach

Beginning this week, and with G-d’s help continuing going forward, we shall be making available a 45 minute – 1 hour Parasha class given by Rabbi Mansour. This class is light and provides great Parasha insights for Shabbat meal discussions. The class will not be typed for reading. It is only available for listening, and will be posted every Friday at about 10:00 AM. (After one full year, we will re-post last year’s class every Monday in addition to the new class which is given on Fridays.)
Parashat Haye-Sara: Making a Profit
Parashat Vayera- Imposing Personal Stringencies Upon Others
Parashat Lech Lecha- "To Endear the Land to Him"
Parashat Noah- Protecting Ourselves from the Flood
Parashat Bereshit- "Adam" – The Essence of Man
Succot Derasha- Sukkot and Yaakov Avinu; and Some Halachot on Succot
Aseret Yime Teshuva Insight- The Obligation of Teshuva
Parashat Ki Tetze- Treating Sinners as Brothers
Parashat Shofetim- Decision and Execution
Parashat Re’ei- Give and Take
Parashat Ekev- Look Ahead, Not Back
Parashat VaEtchanan- What Happens to Unanswered Prayers?
Parashat Devarim- Actions and Intentions
Parashat Matot- Accountability for Sinful Intent
Parashat Pinhas- Zimri and the Compromising of Religion
1002 Parashot found