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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Parashat Ki-Teseh: Waging the Battle
Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates
Parashat Re'eh- A Reason to Give Charity
Parashat Ekeb- The First Two Paragraphs of Shema
Parashat VaEtchanan- Don’t be a Pickle
Parashat Debarim- Living in a Torah Community
Parashat Maseh- The Elevator is Out of Order
Parashat Matot- Work and Children: Setting Priorities
Parashat Pinhas- Poker at 5 A.M.
Parashat Balak- Knowing and Doing
Parashat Hukat- The Para Aduma Paradox
Parashat Korach- Accepting Criticism
Parashat Shelah- "Borrowing a Letter" from Sara Imenu
Parashat Beha'alotecha - Maintaining Humility in Positions of Prominence
Parashat Naso- Stealing From a Convert
1002 Parashot found