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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Parashat Vayehi- The Vision of Gedoleh Yisrael
Parashat Vayigash- The Sacred Tongue
Parashat Miketz- Teaching by Example
Parashat Vayesheb- Protecting Our Children
Parashat Vayishlah- What We’ve Learned From Today’s “Laban”
Parashat Vayeseh- God’s Eternal Relationship with the Jewish People
Parashat Toledot- Drowning in Yishak’s Second Well
Parashat Haye Sara- Life’s “Little” Tests
Parashat Vayera- The Proper Attitude Toward Misvot
Parashat Lech Lecha- Determining One’s Purpose in the World
Parashat Noah- Our Most Precious Commodity
Parashat Bereshit- The Word “Bereshit”
Succot- Our Temporary Dwelling
Earning Atonement for Theft
(Nesavim) Elul- The Potential Within Each Jew
1002 Parashot found