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Parashat Lech Licha

The Parasha insights are for now not being transcribed. These shiurim usually are 30-50 minutes in length, and for now it is available for listening only. Click the PLAY or DOWNLOAD buttons above to hear the Shiur.
Parashat Vayakhel -Pekudei: The Ends Do Not Justify the Means
Parashat Ki Tisa- Rationalizing Improper Conduct
Parashat Tetzaveh- Humility and Self-Esteem
Parashat Teruma- Giving and Receiving
Parashat Mishpatim- The "Bribe" of Past Experiences
Parashat Yitro- The Difference Between Yitro and Amalek
Parashat BeShalach- The Lesson of the Yam Suf
Parashat Bo- The Dangers of Wealth
Parashat Vaera- Connecting With Generations Past
Parashat Shemot- Earning Compassion Through Compassion
Parashat VaYechi- Acknowledging Mistakes
Parashat VaYigash- "Yosef is Still Alive"
Parashat Miketz- Continuing the Struggle of the Chashmonaim
Parashat VaYeshev- Understanding the Sale of Yosef
Parashat Vayishlach- A Prerequisite for Reconciliation
1002 Parashot found