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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Parashat Tesaveh- The Struggle Against Lashon Ha'ra
Parashat Teruma- The Mishkan and Self-Esteem
Parashat Mishpatim- The Power and Danger of Speech
Parashat Yitro- Honoring Parents and Para Aduma
Prashat Beshalah- Better Through the Desert Than Through the Land of the Pelishtim
Parashat Bo- 'Nitpicking'
Parashat Vaera- "The Redeemer of Israel"
Parashat Shemot- The Bricks and the Cement
Parashat Vayehi- "May God Make You Like Efrayim and Menashe"
Parashat Vayigash- Yosef's "Rebuke" to His Brothers
Prashat Miketz- Relying on One's Own Efforts
Parashat Vayeshev- The Patriarchs and the Misva of Honoring Parents
Parashat Vayishlah- Optical Illusions
Parashat Vayese- Rachel's Jealousy
Parashat Toledot- The Sin of Denial
1002 Parashot found