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Parashat Pinchas

To hear Rabbi’s Mansour’s insights on the Parasha, click the link below if reading this in an email, or click the PLAY or SAVE buttons above if reading this on the web site.

Elul/Selihot: How to Apply for the “Alafim Program”
Parashat Ki Teseh: Teaching Children Right From Right
Parashat Shoftim: We are All Judges
Parashat Re'eh: The True Reward for Misvot
Parashat Ekeb: Keeping to a Torah Learning Schedule
Parashat Va'ethanan- It’s All Good
Parashat Debarim: Doing Our Job as Parents
Parashat Matot-Maseh: Following the Example of Aharon Ha’kohen
Parashat Pinhas: Testing Our Sincerity
Parashat Balak: The Power of Prayer
Parashat Hukat- The Process of Jealousy
Parashat Korah: Tammuz and Jealousy
Parashat Shelah: Satan and the Summer Months
Parashat Behaalotecha: Never be Satisfied
Parashat Naso: When Sin is Glorified
1002 Parashot found