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Parashat Pinchas

To hear Rabbi’s Mansour’s insights on the Parasha, click the link below if reading this in an email, or click the PLAY or SAVE buttons above if reading this on the web site.

Parashat Shemot- Gratitude for Our First Grade Teacher
Parashat Vayehi: Learning and Performing
Parashat Vayigash: “Stealing” Time for Torah
Chanukah: The Expression of G-d’s Love
Parashat VaYesheb: Praying for Our Children
Parashat VaYishlah: We are the Answer to Yaakob’s Prayer
Parashat VaYese: The Two Tests
Parashat Toledot: Honesty is the Best Policy
Parashat Haye-Sara: Drawing Water From the Well
Parashat Vayera: Protection From the Evil Eye
Parashat Lech-Lecha: A Jew Never Despairs
Parashat Noah: A True Sadik
Parashat Bereshit: Becoming the People We are Meant to Become
Aseret Yemeh Teshuba- The Three Questions Posed to Hillel
Rosh Hashana: The Yom Tob of Emuna
1002 Parashot found