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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Parashat Beshalah- The Special Purity of Shabbat
Parashat Bo: Earning Redemption Through Empathy
Parashat Vaera: Embracing the Gift of Eretz Yisrael
Parashat Shemot- Our Fear of Contemplation
Parashat Vayehi- Precision
Parashat VaYigash: Yosef’s Wine
The Hanukah Candles and Gradual Growth
Parashat Vayeshev- Yosef’s Faith
Parashat Vayishlah- The Bite and the Kiss
Parashat Vayeseh- The Sacred Stone
Parashat Toldot- The Flourishing of Torah She’be’al Peh
Parashat Haye Sarah- Contemplating the Final Redemption
Parashat Vayera- The Minha Prayer
Parashat Lech-Lecha: The Uniqueness of the Avot
Parashat Noah: The Challenge of Spreading the Torah to Others
1002 Parashot found