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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Parashat Kedoshim- Understanding the Three Years of Orla
The Hafetz Haim’s Theory of Relativity
The “Intoxication” of the Seder
Shabbat Ha’gadol – Celebrating Our Status as Hashem’s Children
Parashat Tazria: Eliyahu Ha’nabi and the Berit Mila “Redemption”
Parashat Shemini- Sacrificing for Misvot
Purim: What Haman Learned From Mordechai
Purim: Correcting the Mistake of the Jews of Shushan
Parashat Pekudei: The Scholars of Torah & the Supporters of Torah
Parashat Vayakhel: Rebuilding the World
Parashat Ki Tisa: Moshe Rabbenu’s “Gift” to the Satan
Parashat Tesaveh- The Two Mishkans
Parashat Teruma- Perpetuating the Influence of Sinai
Parashat Mishpatim: A Perfectly Balanced Torah
Parashat Yitro- Yitro’s Advice to Moshe
1002 Parashot found