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About DailyHalacha.Com is part of Torah Learning Resources Ltd. (a non profit organization.)

The Daily Halacha is recorded every morning by Rabbi Eli J Mansour in Shaharit at Congregation Bet Yaakob, which is located in Brooklyn New York during the winter months, and in Ohel Yaacob on Lawrence Ave Shul in Deal NJ during the summer months. The Halacha is then transcribed with grammatical edit, and then uploaded for broadcast the next day.

Rabbi Eli J Mansour serves as the Rabbi of Cong Bet Yaakob, soon to be relocated to a new permanent home to be renamed The Edmond J Safra Synagogue.

We also broadcast each week, a lesson that we can apply in every day life from the Parasha of the week. The Rabbi delivers each week a 1 hour insight on the Parasha, and from this we extract the concept into 2-3 pages for your reading and review. The purpose of this is to provide an interesting lesson, and a topic that can be discussed on the Friday night dinner table with your family.

The general rule in the Halacha Yomi (Daily Halacha) is to follow the opinion of Maran, Rav Yosef Caro, as his opinion has been accepted by Sephardic Jews. Furthermore, most of the customs discussed follow Sephardic tradition. Lastly, a great emphasis has been placed to recognize the opinion of Chacham Ovadia Yosef shilita. began in October 2002 / Cheshvan 5763. As of January 2012, we broadcast the Daily Halacha each day to more than 12000 registered recipients to 81 different countries. We do not spam. All emails sent are only to those who have registered to receive the Daily Halacha. The subscribers list is strictly confidential and will not be released to anyone without exception. From time to time we may broadcast a special message from the Rabbi to our subscribers. accepts donations via sponsorship of a Halacha. Money received for Halachot goes toward the administration and maintaining of our 7 web sites which include;,,,,,, and our FREE phone service 347-LEARNTORAH.

At this time, we do NOT have a means whereby the Rabbi can take questions via email. If you need to speak with the Rabbi, then please visit the synagouge on any weekday morning.

The audio clips contained within this site, are made available for the listening pleasure and learning benefit of the individual user. These clips may NOT be duplicated, distributed, made available via the internet, broadcasted, or reproduced in any way, shape, or form without the express written consent of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour. Misuse of these recordings are considered a form of Gezel (thievery.) Please use proper discretion. Please feel free to contact us via email with any technical issues, or with any comments, opinions, or suggestions for improvement.

You may contact us by writing us at:

c/o Torah Learning Resources
PO Box 230212
Brooklyn, NY 11223