Brought to you under the direction of
The Edmond J Safra Synagogue
Search Shiurim
Putting on Tefilin and Tallit at Home before Going to Bet Knesset
The Proper Kavana When Donning Tefilin
How Many Berachot Are Recited on Tefilin?
Must One Make Another Beracha When Changing Tefilin?
Taking Off Tefilin in Front of the Torah or a Rabbi
If One Is Not Careful To Wear Tefillin
What if a Sofer Wrote an Extra Letter?
Is it Permissible to use a Light-Box with Background Print when Writing a Sefer Torah
Scoring Lines on a Klaf When Writing a Sefer Torah and Tefillin
Klaf Mashuah
The Klaf Used for Sefer Torah, Tefillin and Mezuzot
Faded Ink on a Sefer Torah, Tefillin, and Mezuzot
The Proper Order When Writing the Parashot of the Tefillin and Mezuzot
Is One Required To Make A Beracha on the Mezuza When Returning To Home After An Extended Absence, And Are Mezuzot Required In A Boat, Plane, or Elevator
The Procedure for Removing One's Tefillin
Where on the Doorpost Should a Mezuza be Placed?
Is It Appropriate To Invite A Rabbi To Put Up A Mezuza In A New House
Shoud The Beracha On Tefilin Be Repeated When Putting It On Again The Same Day
Is One Required to Make a New Beracha On a Mezuza That Fell Off?
Does One Recite “Shehehiyanu” the First Time He Wears Tefillin?
Positioning the Tefillin Shel Rosh
Positioning the Tefillin Shel Yad
Reciting “Kadesh Li” and “Ve’haya Ki Yebi’acha” After Donning the Tefillin
Removing, Holding, and Respecting Tefillin
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