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  74 Halachot found

Converting Meat Utensils Into Dairy Utensils Through Hag’ala 3:03 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.41 MB)
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May One Eat Fish with Milk or Other Dairy Products? 5:26 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.27 MB)
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Kashrut of a Giraffe 3:47 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.76 MB)
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Selling a Gid Ha'nashe to a Gentile, and Using it to Stitch the Parchment of a Sefer Torah 2:57 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.38 MB)
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Washing One's Hands in Between Fish and Meat; Drinking Water Immediately After Eating Fish 3:59 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.4 MB)
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The Prohibition of Bishul Akum – Eating Foods Prepared by a Gentile 8:53 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (3.11 MB)
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Is It Permissible To Sell UnKosher Food 3:15 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (779 KB)
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Dairy Tuna Fish 3:31 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.64 MB)
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Is It Permissible To Eat Bread Made By A Non-Jew 2:28 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.16 MB)
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The Prohibition of "Bechor Beheima Tehora" – Eating a Firstborn Animal 4:31 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.06 MB)
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Is It Permissible To Utilize The Process Of Hagalah To Continuolsy Change Utensils From Meat To Milk To Meat 3:15 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (782 KB)
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Sitting with People Eating Dairy Foods, or Preparing Dairy Foods, After One Has Eaten Meat 2:53 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (691 KB)
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Is It Permissible To Eat Fish and Meat Together Or Even Have Them On The Same Table 2:50 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (681 KB)
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Bloodspots In Eggs 4:10 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (489 KB)
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The Many Laws of Eating Milk After Meat 4:42 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (4.31 MB)
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