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May Two People Eat Meat and Milk at the Same Table? 2:38 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.23 MB)
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Smelling Forbidden Foods; Heating Meat and Dairy Foods in a Microwave Oven 9:35 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (4.44 MB)
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Drinking Non-Dairy Milk While or After Eating Meat 4:51 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.13 MB)
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Serving at a Meat Meal Parve Foods That Were Served at a Dairy Meal 3:28 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.22 MB)
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Is It Permissible to Use A Meat Pot To Cook A Parve Item That Will Be Mixed With A Dairy Item 3:59 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.85 MB)
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If Milk Was Cooked in a Meat Pot 3:44 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.73 MB)
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May One Cook Parve Food in a Meat Pot With the Intention of Eating it With Dairy Foods? 9:07 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (12.54 MB)
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Must One Wait Six Hours Before Eating Dairy After Eating Parve Food Cooked With Meat? 2:55 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.36 MB)
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Eating Meat on a Table Containing Dairy Foods 3:25 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.59 MB)
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May Meat and Dairy Foods be Stored Alongside One Another in a Refrigerator or Freezer? 1:43 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.46 MB)
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Mixing Meat and Milk in the Drain or Trash Bin 6:16 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.19 MB)
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Is it Permissible to Use the Same Dishwasher for Meat and Milk, and Pesah? 3:47 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (3.5 MB)
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Halachot of Ovens and Microwave Ovens 9:35 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (8.83 MB)
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If Acquaintances Eat Meat and Dairy at the Same Table 3:40 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (3.39 MB)
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Three Preparations Needed before Eating Meat after Dairy 4:10 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1004 KB)
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