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  150 Halachot found

The Custom Among Some Syrian Jews to Light an Extra Candle on Hanukah 4:51 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.26 MB)
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Hanukah Candles – Arranging the Candles in a Straight Line; the Proper Place for Lighting 4:39 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.16 MB)
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Chanukah- Should One Skip Al HaNissim To Catch Up for Nakdishach 3:58 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.86 MB)
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Proper Handling of Leftover Oil and Wicks from the Hanukah Lights 6:42 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.34 MB)
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Chanukah- Fasting, Eulogies and Mourning on Chanukah 2:39 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (638 KB)
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Hanukah – If the Wrong Section From the Torah Was Read on Hanukah 2:19 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.15 MB)
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If One Travels on Hanukah to a Place Without a Jewish Community 2:07 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1019 KB)
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Hanukah – Must One Light the Candles Again if They are Extinguished After Lighting? 2:41 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (644 KB)
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Hanukah – The Use of Floating Wicks 3:58 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.85 MB)
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Hanukah – Reciting Hallel in a House of Mourning; Reciting “Mizmor Shir Hanukat Ha’bayit” 2:26 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.26 MB)
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Hanukah – Does One Recite Shehehiyanu the First Time He Lights if He Did Not Light on the First Night? 3:39 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.7 MB)
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Hanukah – The Halachot of Candle Lighting for Travelers 3:42 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (887 KB)
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Hanukah – Is it Preferable to Use New Wicks Each Night, or to Reuse the Wicks From the Previous Night? 4:41 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.18 MB)
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Using an Electric Menorah for the Hanukah Candle Lighting 1:58 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (944 KB)
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The Custom That Women Refrain From Certain Activities While the Hanukah Candles are Lit 1:46 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (851 KB)
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