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  150 Halachot found

Hanukah Candles – The Proper Time for Lighting, and the Suitable Oils and Wicks 5:07 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.37 MB)
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Hanukah – May Inedible Olive Oil be Used for Hanukah Candle Lighting? 2:43 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.53 MB)
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Hanukah – If One is Unsure Whether the Candles Will Burn for a Half-Hour 3:30 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (3.25 MB)
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Hanukah – Candle Lighting When Staying in a Hotel 3:51 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (3.56 MB)
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If One’s Hanukah Candles Were Extinguished Shortly After Lighting 2:21 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.1 MB)
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Hanukah – Extinguishing or Using the Candles After a Half-Hour; Reusing the Previous Night’s Wicks; Lighting One Candle From Another 3:32 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.64 MB)
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Chanukah- the Beracha Recited Before Hallel; Women's Recitation of Hallel 5:56 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.07 MB)
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Al Ha’nisim – If One Forgot to Recite Al Ha’nisim or Recited it in the Wrong Place 3:12 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.49 MB)
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Hanukah – Reciting a Beracha Over Hallel; the Times When Hallel May be Recited; Reciting "Mizmor Shir Hanukat Habayit" 4:26 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.06 MB)
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Hanukah Candle Lighting on Ereb Shabbat and Mosa’eh Shabbat 7:39 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.68 MB)
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The Hanukah Miracle; Customs Regarding Working and Festive Meals During Hanukah 5:59 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.78 MB)
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Hanukah – Where Should a Guest Light if He Will be Returning Home That Night? 2:32 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.35 MB)
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Hanukah – The Shamosh 4:09 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (3.76 MB)
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Hanukah – Lighting the Candles With Genuine Joy; Lighting With a Wax Candle 5:15 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.44 MB)
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Hanukah – Spinning the Dreidel; Giving Gifts to Children and Teachers 3:23 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.57 MB)
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