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  150 Halachot found

Hanukah: Lighting When Traveling 4:07 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (3.81 MB)
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Reciting Hallel on Hanukah 2:56 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.37 MB)
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Hanukah – Lighting Candles After Minha in an Office; Lighting at Weddings or Other Public Gatherings 2:34 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.39 MB)
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Hanukah – Lighting One Hanukah Candle From Another 2:31 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.18 MB)
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2 Halachot: Lighting the Hanukah Candles on Friday Night and Where Does One Light the Hanukah Candles if He Goes Away for Shabbat? 5:25 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.9 MB)
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The Importance of Lighting Hanukah Candles at the Proper Time 4:49 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.23 MB)
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Reciting the Berachot Before Hanukah Candle Lighting; Customs for After Candle Lighting; Positioning the Candles 3:23 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.58 MB)
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Hanukah: Do the Ashkenazim Follow the Rambam (How many Menorahs In Each Home by The Ashkenazim)? 5:18 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.46 MB)
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Hanukah Candle Lighting in the Synagogue: How Many People Must be Present, and Which Berachot are Recited? 4:30 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.58 MB)
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Hanukah Candles – Lighting in the Synagogue 6:09 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.85 MB)
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Chanukah – Lighting When Staying Overnight With Parents, or During Overnight Travel 3:46 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (3.48 MB)
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The Proper Time for Lighting Hanukah Candles; Eating and Learning Before Lighting the Hanukah Candles 5:05 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.36 MB)
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The Reward for Lighting Hanukah Candles 3:18 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.53 MB)
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Hanukah – May One Use the Light of the Hanukah Candles if There’s a Power Failure? 1:20 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (1.25 MB)
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Hanukah – The Order of Preference When Choosing a Menorah; Using Coagulated Oil 3:00 Min Read Print Play Download WMA (2.78 MB)
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