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Parashat Yitro: Yitro and Matan Torah
Parashat Beshalah: The 21st-Century Battle Against Amalek
Parashat Bo- G-d’s Firstborn
Parashat Vaera: Torah & the Land of Israel: The Sun and the Moon
Parashat Shemot- Doing the Right Thing, No Matter What
Parashat Shemot- Did Beneh Yisrael “Borrow” the Egyptians’ Utensils?
Parashat Vayehi- Living Day and Night
Parashat Vayigash- The Message of Goshen
Parashat Miketz- Yosef’s Urgent Mission in Egypt
Parashat Vayesheb- The Singular Danger of Internal Strife
Parashat Vayishlah: The Foundations of Jewish Kingship
Parashat Vayeseh: Yaakob’s Journey to “Kedem”
Parashat Toledot- The Intergenerational Bond
Parashat Hayeh Sara- Controlling One’s Money
Parashat Vayera- The Tests That Show Our Love for Hashem
1002 Parashot found