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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Parashat Vayetze- Honesty
Parashat Toldot- Yaakov, Man of Truth
Parashat Chayei-Sarah: The Greatness of Eliezer
Parashat Vayera- Avraham Avinu Before and After the Akeida
Parashat Lech Lecha- Developing Our Emuna
Noach 5767- Why an Ark?
Simhat Torah: Saying "Thank You" Once Again
Succot 5767- The Teshuva of Succot
Rosh Hashana- Teshuvah- Drawing Strength from the Loyalty of the Avot
Parashat Nitzavim-Vayelech
Parashat Ki Tavo
Parashat Ki Tetze
Parashat Shoftim
Parashat Re'ei
1002 Parashot found