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Parashat Pinchas

To hear Rabbi’s Mansour’s insights on the Parasha, click the link below if reading this in an email, or click the PLAY or SAVE buttons above if reading this on the web site.

Parashat Balak -The Power of "Lishma"
Parahst Hukat- "Zot Hukat Ha'Torah"
Parashat Korach- Avoiding "Mahaloket"
Parashat Shelah- Balanced Humility
Parashat Beha’alotecha- Keeping the Kettle on the Fire
Parashat Naso- The Way to Bless Am Yisrael
Parashat BaMidbar- "Just as They Encamp – So Shall They Travel"
Parashat Bechukotai - If You Consider My Laws Loathsome
Parashat Emor- A Lesson in Sensitivity
Parashat Kedoshim- Kedusha is for Everyone
Parashat Tazria-Metzora - Tzara'at and the Proper Response to Life's Challenges
Parashat Shemini- Obeying Torah Authority
Pesach- Four Expressions, Four Stages of Transformation
Parashat Tzav- Who Takes the Credit?
Parashat VaYikra- Overcoming Depression
1002 Parashot found