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Parashat Pinchas

To hear Rabbi’s Mansour’s insights on the Parasha, click the link below if reading this in an email, or click the PLAY or SAVE buttons above if reading this on the web site.

Aseret Yime Teshuba- Refusing to Shake God’s Hand
Rosh Hashana- Charging Our Batteries
Parashat Nisavim- Focusing on Today
Parashat Ki Teseh- The Challenge of Gratitude
Parashat Reeh- The Process of Desensitization
Parashat Ekeb- Fear of God
Parashat Vaethanan- Making a Small Hole in the Fence
Parashat Debarim- The Lost Art of Rebuke
Parashat Matot- Choosing Right From Right
Parashat Pinhas- Respecting Those Who Do the Dirty Work
Parashat Hukat- Turning Off the Cell Phone
Parashat Korah- Korah – Too Smart for His Own Good?
Parashat Shelah- Seeing the Positive
Parashat Beha’alotecha- Humility Defined
Parashat Naso- Making Sacrifices for Shalom Bayit
1002 Parashot found