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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Aseret Yime Teshuba- Refusing to Shake God’s Hand
Rosh Hashana- Charging Our Batteries
Parashat Nisavim- Focusing on Today
Parashat Ki Teseh- The Challenge of Gratitude
Parashat Reeh- The Process of Desensitization
Parashat Ekeb- Fear of God
Parashat Vaethanan- Making a Small Hole in the Fence
Parashat Debarim- The Lost Art of Rebuke
Parashat Matot- Choosing Right From Right
Parashat Pinhas- Respecting Those Who Do the Dirty Work
Parashat Hukat- Turning Off the Cell Phone
Parashat Korah- Korah – Too Smart for His Own Good?
Parashat Shelah- Seeing the Positive
Parashat Beha’alotecha- Humility Defined
Parashat Naso- Making Sacrifices for Shalom Bayit
1002 Parashot found