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Parashat Lech Licha

The Parasha insights are for now not being transcribed. These shiurim usually are 30-50 minutes in length, and for now it is available for listening only. Click the PLAY or DOWNLOAD buttons above to hear the Shiur.
Parashat Shemot: Consistency – The Greatest Achievement of All
Parashat Vayechi: Yaakob’s Final Seventeen Years
Parashat Vayigash: Vayigash, Goshen, and Mashiah
Parashat Miketz: Setting an Example
Parashat Vayesheb: The Benefits of Misvot
Parashat Vayishlach- Jewish Photosynthesis
Parashat Vayese- God Always Knows Best
Parashat Toledot: The First Workaholic
Parashat Hayeh-Sara: Finding the Silver Lining
Parashat Vayera- The Child’s Needs Come First
Parashat Lech-Lecha: The Real Test
Parashat Noah- The “Fur Coat” Sadik
Bereshit: The Blessing of the Letter “Bet”
Yom Kippur- The Happiest Day of the Year
Rosh Hashana- Our False Sense of Security
1002 Parashot found