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The Pasuk in VaEtchanan, Perek 4, Pasuk 42, writes; "ViNas El Achat Min HeArim Hael Vachai." The Torah here is talking about the unintentional murderer that must exile themselves in a city of refuge known as Ir Miklat. And the Torah says that he must run to that city, and he must [Vachai] live.

The Gemara in Makot understands from that word ‘VaChai’, that it is incumbent upon the community to supply for that murderer all life sustaining items. For example, they must provide him with food, with drink, with clothes, with shelter, and with sustenance. They must provide him with all his physical needs in order that he can live.

But the Gemara says something more that is quite fantastic and the Rambam confirms it in his Halacha. The Rambam writes that if that fellow (the murderer) is a student; his Rabbi must then also go into exile with him. And the Rambam explains, because a fellow without wisdom, a fellow without the study of Torah, without his Rabbi is not considered alive. It’s not considered life. And since the Torah says ‘Vachai’, so therefore we must provide that fellow with true life, which is the study of Torah.

Now some people might say that although they don’t learn, they nevertheless consider themselves alive. They fulfill all their bodily functions. They eat, they sleep, and they exercise. They are involved in enjoying life as well. So why is it that the Torah considers somebody who does not learn and does not study as if he is devoid of life. Chachamim explain that we are made up of two parts. We are made of a physical body and a spiritual body. It’s our spiritual body that separates us from animals. Without a spiritual side, man is no different than an animal. So many people believe that they are alive, but it’s actually the existence of an animal. They are living a physical life, and that’s the existence of an animal. And therefore it is only through studying, that one can truly live according to the Torah.

So the Pasuk says ‘Vachai’, which means you have to live as a human being, and to live as a human being is only if you are studying Torah. Breathing and eating is not enough. That is a lower level. That’s the animal kingdom. And since true life is based on the study of Torah, so then the murderer in exile must have his Rabbi with him. His Rabbi must be present to provide the sustenance of life.

Modern medicine and technology has added many years to people’s life. However, our message today is that we must add life to our years. And the way to add life to our years, is only through the study of Torah.

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1002 Parashot found