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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Shabbat Shuba: The Easiest Misva
Parashat Nisavim- Outreach by Default
Shabbat Morning Class - Parasha Chayei Sarah
Parashat Ki-Tabo: Reading the Curses
Parashat Ki-Teseh: Misvot and the Potato Chip Syndrome
Parashat Shofetim: The Knock on the Door
Parashat Re'eh: Mount Gerizim and Mount Ebal
Parashat Ekeb- Putting Life Into Our Berachot
Parashat Vaethanan- Attitude Matters
Parashat Debarim: Is it Worth it?
Parashat Matot- Words are Not Cheap
Parashat Pinhas: Appreciating Other People’s Needs
Parashat Balak: The Three Regalim and the Sin of the Calf
Parashat Hukat: Appreciate it While You Have it
Parashat Korah: Korah’s Mistakes
1002 Parashot found