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Parashat Noach

The Parasha insights are for now not being transcribed. These shiurim usually are 30-50 minutes in length, and for now it is available for listening only. Click the PLAY or DOWNLOAD buttons above to hear the Shiur.
Shabuot- Decisions
Parashat Behar: The Desire for Control
Parashat Emor: The Trickle Down Effect
Parashat Kedoshim: Paying Workers on Time
Parashat Tazria: Looking Out for Today’s Mesora
Parashat Shemini: Understanding Humility
Pesah: Achieving True Freedom
Parashat Sav: Following G-d’s Example of Respect
Parashat Vayikra: “An Animal Carcass is Better Than Him”
Parashat Ki Tisa: It’s Not Personal
Our Protection from Amalek
Parashat Teruma: Sincere Charity
Parashat Mishpatim: Finding Peace in the Courtroom
Parashat Yitro- Yitro’s Response
Parashat Bo- Our Top Priority
1002 Parashot found