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Parashat Pinchas

To hear Rabbi’s Mansour’s insights on the Parasha, click the link below if reading this in an email, or click the PLAY or SAVE buttons above if reading this on the web site.

Parashat Ki Tavo
Parashat Ki-Teseh: Eshet Yefat Toar – Reclaiming the Lost Sparks
Parashat Shoftim- Gratitude Versus Entitlement
Parashat Re'eh: The Real Wealth
Parashat Ekeb: The Little Things That Aren’t So Little
Parashat Vaethanan: Every Prayer is Effective
The Book of Debarim – Completing the Divine Name
Parashat Maseh: Breaking the Selfish Instinct
Parashat Pinhas: Pinhas’ Delayed Reward
Parashat Balak: The Miracles We Don’t See
Parashat Hukat: Moshe’s Stick
Parashat Korah: Testing Our Strengths
Parashat Shelah: Yehoshua and Kaleb
Parashat Behaalotecha: Maintaining Enthusiasm for Misvot
Parashat Naso: A Warning Even To Us
1002 Parashot found