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Parashat BeShalah: G-d Will Pay You Will Back
Parashat Bo: The Lesson of the Moon
Parashat VaEra: Making Exile Intolerable
Parashat Shemot: We Cannot Outsmart G-d
Parashat VaYehi- True Kindness
Parashat VaYigash: The Ultimate Rebuke
Parashat Miketz: Cause and Effect
Parashat Vayesheb: “Don’t Bother Me With the Facts”
Parashat VaYishlah: Yaakov Abinu and the Power of Torah
Parashat VaYeseh: The Lesson of Yaakob’s Prayer
Parashat Toledot: The Long-Term Effects of Negative Influences
Parashat Hayeh Sara: It Doesn’t Stop
Parashat Lech-Lecha: Sincerity
Parashat Noah: The Rainbow’s Message
Ellul: Teshuba Can’t Wait
1002 Parashot found