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Parashat Shemot- The Bricks and the Cement

Parashat Shemot tells of God's famous revelation to Moshe at the burning bush, during which He commands Moshe to return to Egypt and demand the release of the Hebrew slaves. Moshe was initially reluctant to accept this mission, but ultimately is convinced that he must go to Egypt and lead Bene Yisrael to freedom. Oddly enough, however, we read that before he returns to Egypt, he first approaches his father-in-law, Yitro, to ask his permission to leave (4:18). The obvious question arises, why would Moshe find it necessary to request Yitro's permission to carry out this mission? God commanded him to go to Egypt; did it really matter whether or not he received the authorization of his father-in-law, a former pagan priest?

This incident exemplifies the famous Rabbinic dictum, "Derech Eretz Kadema Le'Torah" – respectful, dignified conduct is a prerequisite to Torah observance. When Moshe was a fugitive, fleeing from the death penalty to which Pharaoh had sentenced him, Yitro warmly invited him into his home and gave him both a wife and a job. It was only proper for Moshe to approach his father-in-law and ask for permission to return to Egypt; this gesture was dictated by the basic rules of Derech Eretz (respect and good manners). And if God issued a command, it goes without saying that it did not entail a breach of Derech Eretz; it was obvious to Moshe that the command to return to Egypt meant that he should return only after receiving his father-in-law's permission. So fundamental is Derech Eretz as the cornerstone of a proper Jewish lifestyle that God did not even have to specify that Moshe should first request Yitro's permission.

One Rabbi drew a comparison between the Torah's commandments and bricks. No matter how many bricks one has, and regardless of their size, he cannot possibly build a building without cement. Cement allows one to arrange the bricks into the desired form and structure; it is what enables the bricks to combine together and create a magnificent edifice. Similarly, the Misvot are the "bricks" with which we are to build a Torah lifestyle. Living a Torah life means observing all the Torah's laws, such as Shabbat, Kashrut and so on. But the Misvot cannot create this "building" without Derech Eretz, the "cement" that lends Torah life its form and structure. If a person observes the Torah's laws but speaks impolitely and acts in an undignified manner, he cannot possibly create a proper Torah lifestyle; the "bricks" will remain individual acts that do not combine to form an overall structure.

As much as we should strive for excellence in our observance of all the Torah's commands, we must be equally concerned to refine our characters and conduct ourselves in a polite, respectful, good-natured manner, which, together with our Misva observance, will result in a beautiful Torah life that will bring pride and honor to our community and the entire Jewish people.

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Parashat Yitro: Peace in This World and the Next
1002 Parashot found