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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Rosh Hashana: The Three Keys to a Favorable Judgment
Parashat Ki Teseh: The Mother Bird & Amalek
Parashat Ekeb: Nourishing the Soul
Appreciating What We Lost
Parashat Maseh: The Four Exiles
Parashat Matot: Showing Appreciation
Parashat Pinhas: Letting Our Leaders Do Their Job
Parashat Balak: Pinhas' Plea
Parashat Hukat: Meeting a Child’s Unique Educational Needs
Parashat Korah: Hearing the Other Side
Parashat Shelach: We See What We Want to See
Parashat Behaalotecha: Summer Vacation
Parashat Naso- The Power of Teshuba
Parashat Bamidbar: Is It Worth It?
Parashat Behukotai- The Blessing Among The Curses
1002 Parashot found