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Shavuot- Treating Our Friends as Kings
Parashat Behar-Behukotai: Freedom and Family
Parashat Emor: The Sanctity of Shabbat
Parashat Kedoshim: Giving Criticism
Parashat Tzaria: Sara’at and Confronting Hardship
Parashat Shemini: Shame
Pesah- The Love Affair Between G-d and His People
Parashat Sav: Double Gratitude
Parashat Vayikra: Remembering Adam’s Sin
Parashat Vayakhel: The Merit of the Righteous Women
Parashat Ki Tisa: Elevating Beneh Yisrael
Parashat Tesaveh: Moshe, Noah, and Us
Parashat Teruma: The Message of the Shulhan
Parashat Yitro: The Container
Parashat Beshalah: We’re Never Too Busy To Say “Thank You”
1002 Parashot found