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Parashat Pinhas: We Never Lose By Performing a Misva
Parashat Balak: Walking Humbly Before G-d
Parashat Hukat: We Do Not Understand Everything
Parashat Korah: The Flowers and the Fruit
Parashat Shelah: Understanding the Sin of the Spies
Parashat Behaalotecha: The Situation Does Not Have to be Perfect
Parashat Naso: Restoring the Shechina
Shavuot: The Torah Belongs to Us
Parashat Behar: Fear of G-d
Parashat Emor: Shabbat as “Mikra Kodesh”
Parashat Kedoshim: The Right Way to Criticize
Parashat Tazria-Mesora: The Way to Ruin Your Children’s Future
Parashat Shemini: Crying for the Sons of Aharon
Pesah: The Bread of Faith
Parashat Vayikra: The Joy of Misvot
1002 Parashot found