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Parashat Haye-Sara: Making a Profit

**Shabbat Schedule at Cong. Bet Yaakob in Brooklyn NY with Rabbi Eli Mansour:

4:30 PM Friday, Nov. 2nd Daf Yomi
5:30 PM Friday, Nov. 2nd Minha
5:33 PM Friday, Nov. 2nd Candle Lighting
7:00 AM Shabbat, Nov. 3rd Shaharit followed by Seuda and Class
3:30 PM Shabbat, Nov. 3rd Daf Yomi
3:00 PM Shabbat, Nov. 3rd Class with Rabbi Escava
4:30 PM Shabbat, Nov. 3rd Minha followed by Seudat Shelishi, Derasha, & Arbit (In the basment o Har Lebanon)
6:30 PM Shabbat Ends Havdallah
7:15 PM Saturday, Nov. 3rd Mens & Ladies- Class on Tehillim at Har Lebanon

This week's Parasha Insight....

Parashat Haye-Sara tells the story of Avraham's search for a burial plot for his wife, Sara. We read that Avraham purchased the site of Me'arat Ha'machpela in Hevron from a man named Efron, who charged Avraham the exorbitant price of 400 silver coins (23:16).

In commenting on this incident, the Sages speak very critically of Efron, ascribing to him qualities such as greed, selfishness and egotism. He is referred to in the Midrash as a "Rasha" – an evil person – who deserves condemnation for his conduct with respect to the sale of Me'arat Ha'mechpela.

What did Efron do that invited such harsh criticism? Why did the Rabbis look upon him as a "Rasha" for charging a high price for the land? Is the Torah opposed to real-estate transactions? Is it forbidden to ask a steep price and then accept payment when the buyer accepts that price?

The story is told of a Rabbi who walked with his student and said that he wishes to show him an exceedingly kindhearted and generous person. He brought the student to the window of restaurant, and they saw an enormous facility that seats three hundred guests, with dozens of customers sitting, being served and enjoying their tasty, satisfying meals.

"The owner of this restaurant," the Rabbi remarked, "is a righteous man. Look how he gives such large amounts of fine, delicious food to so many people, in such a luxurious and comfortable room!"

"But Rabbi," the student replied, "the man charges money for the meals he serves. And the money he charges does not only cover the cost of the food, service and overhead; he takes a large profit!"

"Of course he takes a profit," the Rabbi answered. "Otherwise, he would not be able to serve people tomorrow. Doesn't he have the right to live, to support his family? This does not undermine the extent of the Hesed (kindness) that he performs. He does a wonderful service for hundreds of people, and this is a great Hesed even if he receives a profit for it!"

This same Rabbi used to speak of the great kindness of the baker who rises early in the morning to bake bread and pastries for his community, providing a critical service for everybody in the town. Of course they pay him for it – because otherwise he would be unable to continue providing this service the next day!

This is the proper approach to take towards employment and business ventures. A person has every right to charge money for his services, but he must also look upon his work as a way of helping and serving people. In whatever capacity a person works, he should approach his vocation as a way to impact meaningfully on society and act kindly towards others.

This was not Efron's attitude towards his real estate dealings. Revealingly, the numerical value of his name "Efron" (when spelled without a "Vav," as the Torah spells it in the aforementioned verse) is 400 – the price he charged for Me'arat Ha'machpela. His very essence was defined by the profits he earned, by his wealth. His work was solely about earning money, and not about helping other people. Quite understandably, then, the Sages describe him as a greedy, selfish person, somebody who concerned himself only with making a fortune for himself, and not with the needs of others.

Parashat Pinhas: We Never Lose By Performing a Misva
Parashat Balak: Walking Humbly Before G-d
Parashat Hukat: We Do Not Understand Everything
Parashat Korah: The Flowers and the Fruit
Parashat Shelah: Understanding the Sin of the Spies
Parashat Behaalotecha: The Situation Does Not Have to be Perfect
Parashat Naso: Restoring the Shechina
Shavuot: The Torah Belongs to Us
Parashat Behar: Fear of G-d
Parashat Emor: Shabbat as “Mikra Kodesh”
Parashat Kedoshim: The Right Way to Criticize
Parashat Tazria-Mesora: The Way to Ruin Your Children’s Future
Parashat Shemini: Crying for the Sons of Aharon
Pesah: The Bread of Faith
Parashat Vayikra: The Joy of Misvot
1002 Parashot found