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Parashat Noach

The Parasha insights are for now not being transcribed. These shiurim usually are 30-50 minutes in length, and for now it is available for listening only. Click the PLAY or DOWNLOAD buttons above to hear the Shiur.
Parashat Ekeb- Defending Am Yisrael
Parashat VaEtchanan- We are Always G-d’s Special Nation
Earning Redemption Through Self-Sacrifice
Parashat Matot-Mase: The Repentance of Reuben and Gad
Parashat Pinhas: Serving G-d Under All Conditions
Parashat Balak- Harnessing the Power of Idealism
Parashat Hukat- Unconditional Commitment
Parashat Korah- Korah’s Mistake
Parashat Shelah- We are Not Grasshoppers!
Parashat Beha’alotecha- Don’t “Kick” the Misvot!
Parashat Naso- Generosity Begins at Home
Shabuot- We Won the Lottery of Life
Parashat Behukotai- Toiling in Torah
Parashat Behar- Letting the Blessing Flow
Parashat Emor: Preparing for Matan Torah
1002 Parashot found