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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Parashat Vayishlah: The Deeper Significance of the Story of Shechem
Parashat Vayeseh: Torah Commitment in Times of Hardship
Parashat Toledot: A Child is Always a Child
Parashat Hayeh-Sara- Heavenly Matches
Parashat Vayera- Life’s Tests and “Ayin Toba”
Parashat Lech Lecha- Abraham’s Life as an Example For Us All
Parashat Noah- Following the Example of Noah and Yosef
Parashat Bereshit: Kayin’s Mistake
Parashat Haazinu- Let’s Come Together
Shabbat Shuba- The Most Urgent Teshuba That We Need Today
Understanding the Shofar’s Call
The Elul Immersion
Parashat Ki Teseh- The Message of Yibum
Parashat Shofetim- Our Connection to Hashem
Parashat Re'eh- Judaism is Not a Supermarket
1002 Parashot found