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Parashat Shofetim- Guarding the Gates

Parashat Lech Lecha- Growth Spurts
Parashat Noah- Noah and Abraham
Bereshit- Priorities
Sukkot: Celebrating the Clouds of Glory
Yom Kippur and Rehab
Rosh Hashana- Our Annual Resurrection
Parashat Nisavim: What “Life” Really Means
Parashat Ki Tabo: Elul and Faith
Parashat Ki Teseh: The Transformation of Bilam’s Curse
Parashat Shoftim: The First Step to Teshuba
Parashat Re'eh: Spiritual Cleansing Our Money
Parashat Ekeb: Understanding the First Two Paragraphs of Shema
Parashat Vaetchanan: A Reason for Consolation
Parashat Debarim- A Nation Defined by the Torah
Parashat Matot-Masei: The Potential Within the Darkness
1002 Parashot found