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Parashat Vayikra- "Derech Eretz"

Parashat Vayikra- "Derech Eretz"
The first verse of Parashat Vayikra tells that after the construction of the Mishkan, God called to Moshe from inside the Mishkan, whereupon Moshe entered and spoke with God.

The Sages teach that Moshe's conduct in this regard provides a remarkable example of "Derech Eretz" – good manners and etiquette.  Moshe had already been receiving prophecy on a regular basis.  He had spent forty days and night atop Mount Sinai with God, and it was he who conveyed to the people the instructions regarding the building of the Mishkan.  Moshe could have easily justified entering the Mishkan without an invitation.  Yet, he would always respectfully wait outside for God to summon him inside, rather than entering unannounced.  Moshe's conduct serves as a model of common decency and courtesy that our Sages enjoin us to follow.

In this context, the Midrash makes an astounding remark: "Any Torah scholar that does not have 'Derech Eretz' – a 'Nevela' [animal carcass] is better than him!"  A "Nevela" is generally used as a symbol of filth and revulsion.  Why do the Sages consider a "Nevela" better than a scholar who does not conduct himself with proper manners?

An animal carcass emits a foul odor that could be smelled from a distance, and which alerts people to stay away.  In this sense, it poses far less danger than a Torah scholar with unrefined character.  His scholarship and leadership attract admiration and respect, and people will thus mistakenly assume that the Torah encourages the kind of behavior he displays.  As he represents Torah, his disrespectful and discourteous manners will be looked upon as characteristic of Torah values, which will result in a grave "Hillul Hashem" (desecration of God's Name).  The animal carcass at least emits an odor which warns people to stay away; the disrespectful scholar, by contrast, misleads people into thinking that his character is what the Torah seeks to produce.

In truth, this lesson applies not only to scholars, but to all observant Jews.  Each and every one of us is looked upon as a representative of the Torah.  Whatever impression we give is the impression that those on the outside will have of observant Jews.  Unfortunately, and unfairly, every time a visibly religious Jew acts dishonestly or discourteously, onlookers attribute this kind of conduct to the entire observant Jewish community.  It therefore behooves us to exercise extreme care in how we conduct ourselves, and to maintain the very highest standards of "Derech Eretz" – polite, courteous manners.  In this way we will bring respect and admiration for the Jewish people and the Torah, rather than, Heaven forbid, besmirching our community and giving the mistaken impression that the Torah encourages rude and uncivil conduct.

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