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Parashat Korach

Beginning this week, and with G-d’s help continuing going forward, we shall be making available a 45 minute – 1 hour Parasha class given by Rabbi Mansour. This class is light and provides great Parasha insights for Shabbat meal discussions. The class will not be typed for reading. It is only available for listening, and will be posted every Friday at about 10:00 AM. (After one full year, we will re-post last year’s class every Monday in addition to the new class which is given on Fridays.)
Parashat Behaalotecha- Rectification is Always Possible
Parashat Naso- Emuna First
Shavuot- Celebrating the Eternal Torah
Shavuot- The Challenge – and Rewards – of Torah Commitment
Parashat Behar- Experiencing the Sweetness and Delight of Torah
Parashat Emor- Keter Shem Tob 'The Crown of Good Reputation'
Parashat Ahare Mot- Planting Our Spiritual Trees
Parashat Shemini- Respect and Reverence in the Synagogue
Pesah: Redemption Then and Now
Pesah- Its A Mirage
Parashat Vayikra- The Triple Sin of Dishonesty
Parashat Pekudeh- Counting the Things That Matter
Parashat Ki Tisa- The Sanctity of Every Jew
Purim and the Sale of Yosef
Parashat Terumah- The Torah’s “Footsteps”
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