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The Scale of Misvot and Sins
The Four Categories of Atonement for Sins
Earning Atonement Through Repentance
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The Primary Components of Teshuva
Recommended Modes of Conduct as Part of the Teshuva Process
The Four Grievous Sins That Impede the Process of Teshuva
The Status of Informers and Those Who Impose Authority on the Community; Earning a Share in the World to Come Through Repentance
Forfeiting One's Share in the Next World by Leading Others to Sin, Isolating Oneself from the Jewish People, or Brazenly Transgressing the Torah
The "Apikorsim," "Kofrim" and "Minim" Who Have no Share in the Next World
Saying The Yag Midot in Selichot
Coming Closer To G-d from Rosh Chodesh Elul Until Yom Kippur
The Meaning of “Sabri Maranan”
Must the Person Who Leads Birkat Ha’mazon Drink the Wine?
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