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The Proper Intention While Pronouncing the Letter “Dalet” in “Ehad” During Shema
Bringing Mashiah by Paying Attention to the Repetition of the Amida
Praying From a Mobile phone
Reciting Shema Right Before Sunrise
The Custom to Recite at the End of the Amida a Verse Associated With One’s Name
Explaining Why Kaddish is Mostly in Aramaic
Bringing a Sefer Torah From the Synagogue to a Private Minyan
Laws of Kaddish
Combining Two Parashiyot in the Diaspora to “Catch Up”
If Fewer Than Ten Men are Answering to Kaddish or to the Repetition of the Amida
Answering “Amen” to Birkot Ha’Torah
If One Remembered During the Beracha of “Yoser Or” That He Had Forgotten to Recite Birkot Ha’Torah
Appreciating Birkat Kohanim
Insights and Customs Relevant to the “Nishmat” Prayer
The Special Significance of the “Nishmat” Prayer
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