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Using an Electric Menorah for the Hanukah Candle Lighting
The Custom That Women Refrain From Certain Activities While the Hanukah Candles are Lit
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The Qualifications of the Hanukah Menorah
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If a Congregation Neglected to Read the Hanukah Torah Reading
Hallel on Hanukah – One Who Mistakenly Recited Half-Hallel; Women’s Recitation of Hallel; Interruptions During Hallel
If One Did Not Recite Shehehiyanu on the First Night of Hanukah
The Hanukah Candle Lighting in the Synagogue When the First Night of Hanukah is Friday Night
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Hanukah Candles – The “Shamosh” Candle, and the Extra Candle Lit by Syrian Jews
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