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Hanukah – May One Use the Light of the Hanukah Candles if There’s a Power Failure?
Hanukah – The Order of Preference When Choosing a Menorah; Using Coagulated Oil
Hanukah Candles – The Proper Time for Lighting, and the Suitable Oils and Wicks
Hanukah – May Inedible Olive Oil be Used for Hanukah Candle Lighting?
Hanukah – If One is Unsure Whether the Candles Will Burn for a Half-Hour
Hanukah – Candle Lighting When Staying in a Hotel
If One’s Hanukah Candles Were Extinguished Shortly After Lighting
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Hanukah Candle Lighting on Ereb Shabbat and Mosa’eh Shabbat
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Hanukah – The Shamosh
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