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Opening New Bottles on Shabbat
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May a Man Wear a Ring in a Public Domain on Shabbat?
Is It Permissible On Shabbat To Visit A House Under Construction Or Renovation
Is It Permissible On Shabbat To Wear 2 Of the Same Garments Such As 2 Belts
Is It Permissible On Shabbat To Go To A Bus or Train Terminal With Plans On Getting On The Bus or Train After Shabbat
Walking in a Public Domain on Shabbat With Pebbles or Sand in One's Shoes
Tosefet Shabbat: Accepting Shabbat Several Minutes Before Sunset
The Woman's Obligation to Light the Shabbat Candles
May a Woman Walk in a Public Domain on Shabbat With a "Moch Dachuk"?
The Prohibition of "Tzad" (Trapping) on Shabbat -It Permissible To Lock A Child In A Room On Shabbat
Talking or Thinking About One's Business on Shabbat
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