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May One Read on Shabbat by a Light with a Dimmer?
May One Move a Mukseh Item Indirectly on Shabbat?
Is Gathering Salt On Shabbat Considered A Transgression of the Melacha Known As Me’Amer
Is It Permissible To Lace Shoes on Shabbat
Smelling Vics to Relieve Nasal Congestion on Shabbat
Cutting Salad & Vegetables on Shabbat
Is It Permissible To Sit On or Lean Against A Car On Shabbat
Using a Pin on Shabbat
Observing Shabbat When One Loses Tracks of Days, in the Far East, or When Crossing the Date Line
The Proper Text in the Shabbat Minha Service: "Ve'yanuhu Bo" or "Ve'yanuhu Bam"
Moving Animals on Shabbat
The Severity Of Transgressing Shabbat
Using a Sefer Torah With "Rimonim" (Bells) on Shabbat
Opening an Umbrella on Shabbat
Lifting the Bottom of One's Garment While Walking in a Public Domain
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