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Is it Permissible to Draw Hot Water From an Urn With Ladle on Shabbat?
The Woman’s Obligation in Kiddush
Using a Moistened Cloth or Napkin on Shabbat
Halachot Pertaining to Lel Shabbat: Covering the Table, Reciting Shalom Alechem, and Covering the Bread
The Recitation of “Bo’i Kalla” in Kabbalat Shabbat
Repeating Kiddush for Those Who Have Yet to Hear Kiddush
Cutting a Branch of Hadasim or a Cluster of Grapes on Shabbat
Fasting on Shabbat
When Should One Recite Kiddush and Begin the Shabbat Meal When Accepting Shabbat Early?
Situations Where One May Derive Benefit from a Light Turned on by a Gentile During Shabbat
The Status of Food Cooked by a Gentile on Shabbat; Asking a Gentile to Restore Power in Order to Heat Food on Shabbat
Does Dignity Supersede The Laws of Muktze, Such As In The Case of Tearing Toilet Tissue
Preparing Instant Coffee, Hot Chocolate and Tea on Shabbat
The Custom of Eating Sambusak on Shabbat
Food That Was Purchased Specifically for Shabbat
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