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Using a Peeler on Shabbat
Drinking From the Kiddush Cup
Adding Water to a Pot of Hot Food on Shabbat
May One Transfer Food From One Hotplate to Another on Shabbat?
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Snapping One’s Fingers on Shabbat
Making Up a Missed Tefila on Rosh Hodesh and Shabbat
Halachot Regarding the Kiddush Cup and How to Hold the Cup During Kiddush
Preparing for Kiddush
The Procedure for Reciting Kiddush and Drinking the Wine
Adding Salt or Spices to a Pot of Food on Shabbat
If One Did Not Recite Kiddush on Friday Night
Customs for When One Arrives Home From the Synagogue on Friday Night
Situations Where Food Cooked on Shabbat is Permissible
Spraying Perfume or Deodorant on Shabbat
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