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“Lehem Mishneh” – The Two Loaves at the Shabbat Meal (Part 1)
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Tasting the Shabbat Food on Ereb Shabbat
The Requirement to Eat or Drink Wine After Kiddush
Is It Permissible On Shabbat To Allow Security Video Cameras or Walk By A Light Activated By Motion Detector
Involving Oneself in Shabbat Preparations
The Case When Family Members Speak Before Drinkng The Wine After Kiddush Is Heard
Kiddush – If Somebody Forgot to Recite Kiddush on Friday Night; If Somebody Does Not Have Wine or Cannot Drink Wine
Reciting the Weekday Amida on Shabbat if No Siddur is Available
Asking Somebody to Peform Melacha After Accepting Shabbat Early
Eating the Friday Night Shabbat Meal Before Dark
Inviting a Non-Observant Jew to a Simha or to One’s Home on Shabbat
If One Spends Shabbat in a Hotel That Uses Electronic Keys
The Status of Electricity With Regard to Bishul Akum, Cooking on Shabbat, and Shabbat Candles
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