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Preparing for Shabbat on Friday
Avoiding Anger on Mosa’eh Shabbat
Carrying in the Public Domain Before Shabbat Starts
If a Person Did Not Recite Habdala on Mosa’eh Shabbat
Is It Permissible for Everyone On The Table To Eat From Their Own Bread After Hearing HaMotzih On Shabbat Before Eating From The Bread Of The Mekadeshv
Speaking Before the Person Reciting Kiddush or Habdala Drinks the Wine
Drinking the Cup of Birkat Ha’mazon After Se’uda Shelshit
Eating and Drinking Before Habdala
Using A Light Bulb for the Habdala Candle; The Habdala Candle on Mosa’eh Yom Kippur
May a Person Recite the Beracha of “Besamim” if He Cannot Smell?
The Beracha Over the Besamim at Habdala
The Procedure for Habdala
Remaining Silent and Attentive Throughout Habdala
Shabbat Havdalah- Proper Use of Wine and Haddasim
Reciting Ata Honantanu on Mosa’eh Shabbat
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