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Shabbat – Ensuring That the Countertop is Dry Before Putting Down a Hot Pot
Reheating Solid Food With Some Liquid on Shabbat
Is it Permissible to Eat Soup That Was Reheated on Shabbat?
Placing Cold Liquid Near the Stove on Shabbat
Placing a Raw Food Next to a Hot Food on a Plate on Shabbat
Can A Man or Woman Eat or Drink Prior To Kiddush On Shabbat Morning
Asking a Gentile to Write on One’s Behalf on Shabbat
Is It Permissible To Take Vitamins On Shabbat
Tying Knots on Shabbat-Basic Understandings of Restrictions and Permissions
Is It Permissible To Trap Pets in the House on Shabbat?
Is It Permissible To Eat A Meal Just Prior To Shabbat
Is It Permissible to Lace Shoes on Shabbat?
Is It Permissible to Set Up a Mousetrap on Shabbat?
May One Move a Garment on Shabbat if There is Money in the Pocket?
Is It Permissible To Cover A Pot with its Cover or Tin Foil or Other on Shabbat
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