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Putting a Liquid or Solid Food into a Keli Sheni on Shabbat
Is It Permissible to Put Baked Bread on a Blech to Make Toast?
Is It Permissible to Place Raw Food in a Keli Sheni on Shabbat?
Pouring Water on to Hot Food on Shabbat
Heating a Partially Cooked Food on Shabbat
Pouring Water Heated by the Sun on Foods on Shabbat
If One Turned On Hot Water on Shabbat
May a Non-Jewish Stockbroker Execute Transactions for a Jew on Shabbat or Yom Tob?
Instructing a Non-Jew to Perform a Melacha for the Sake of a Fulfilling a Misva After Shabbat
Instructing a Non-Jew to Prevent Major Financial Loss on Shabbat
Mukse-May a Jew Instruct a Non-Jew To Move A Lit Candle on Shabbat
Asking a Non-Jew to Open an Electronic Lock in a Hotel on Shabbat
Asking a Non-Jew on Shabbat: Buying and Selling
Amira L’Akum: Instructing a Non-Jew to Perform a Rabbinic Transgression
Amira L'Akum: Instructing a Non-Jew to Draw Hot Water
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